"... You offer an outstanding product and service, Thank please don't change or "improve" anything.

John B. Taylor
(Clinitrophy Inc.)

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Lefatech International Inc ("Lefatech Inc") has the following Privacy Policy with respect to information gathered on our own customer database or/and databases hosted by us as result of use of software we developed and sold or leased. Such information is received by both Lefatech Inc and the owner of the software through which you may have requested Lefatech Inc services (the "Client"). You should contact the Client to determine the privacy policy, if any, that applies to the Client's collection and use of such information. However, in no event shall Lefatech Inc be liable for the Client's use or disclosure of such information.
The terms "we" and "us" refer to Lefatech Inc.

Privacy Principles
Because your privacy is important to us, Lefatech, Inc. conducts its business under the following privacy principles:

Principle 1 - Your Information is Secure
All the statistical information we compile for your web site and personal information that we collect about you is considered confidential. This information is protected by usernames and passwords. You should keep your password and user name confidential. We have implemented industry standard security mechanisms to protect this information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. Examples include limited access, firewalls and security analyzers using SSL encryption to protect transmission of data. Lefatech Inc software and hardware are configured to provide effective security.

Principle 2 - Lefatech Inc Has Limited Access to your Information
Lefatech Inc will not access, modify, or otherwise divulge the statistical information we compile for your applications except for the express purpose of generating reports which have been authorized by you or otherwise agreed to by you, or unless acting under a good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (1) conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process; (2) protect and defend the rights or property of Lefatech Inc; (3) enforce our agreements with customers and visitors; or (4) troubleshoot any service problems.

Principle 3 - No Application-Specific Data is Ever Divulged
Lefatech Inc aggregates data across all the applications using lefatech.com concerning certain broad categories, such as Internet browser usage and screen resolution. This information is presented only in an aggregate form, and in no event will we compile specific site data without permission.

Principle 4 - Use of Cookies and other Data Collection Methods
Cookies are small pieces of information that a web site transfers to your computer's hard disk for record-keeping purposes. Cookies can make a web site more useful by allowing the site to personalize information for visitors and by storing information about customer preferences on a particular site. The use of cookies is an industry standard, and many major web sites use them to provide useful features for their customers.

For customers of Lefatech Inc, we store the following information in a cookie:

  • License Status
  • User language
  • User ID
  • Last Site Visited
  • Software Version

We use this information for the following purposes:

  • To identify you
  • To customize web applications for you
  • To help improve navigation

Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If you would prefer, you can set your browser to reject cookies. However, you will not be able to use some Lefatech Inc products if you do not accept the cookie defined above.

Principle 5 - Personal Information
Lefatech Inc's registration form may require users who signed up for the service, registered for a trial version or requested additional information to give us contact information (such as their name and e-mail address), and/or financial information (such as a credit card number). This personal and financial information allows Lefatech Inc to process and fulfill your request, register your account, check your qualifications for registration and to bill you for products and services.

When you submit comments and questions on our products via the feedback command, we also ask for your e-mail address. This is to allow us or one of our resellers to contact you if there are questions about your feedback.

During registration, this information is temporarily stored in encrypted format in a temporary session cookie. Lefatech Inc does not store such information linked to a permanent cookie.

In addition to the uses for the information you submit to us, we may use personally identifiable information about you to:

  • Contact you when necessary for additional information necessary to process or fulfill your order; determine if you are satisfied with our service or product; inform you that an upgrade is available.
  • Send or contact you with information or special offers about Lefatech Inc or Lefatech Inc's products.
  • Allow a partner to contact you concerning Lefatech Inc products.

Distributors and resellers are independent third parties who sell Lefatech Inc and other products. We share your information with these third parties only for the purposes of allowing you to be contacted with information and offers concerning Lefatech Inc. If you do not want us to share your information with these third parties, you may so indicate during the registration process. Lefatech Inc takes steps to protect the confidentiality, privacy and security of personal information communicated to these third parties. How distributors and resellers handle your information, however, is not subject to the exclusive control of Lefatech Inc and these third parties are not subject to this privacy statement. If you do not agree to these terms, please opt-out during the registration process.

Lefatech Inc may release account information when we believe, in good faith, that such release is reasonably necessary to (i) comply with law, (ii) enforce or apply the terms of any of our user agreements or (iii) protect the rights, property or safety of Lefatech Inc, our users, or others.

Like many companies that accept payment by credit card, Lefatech Inc may share customers' personal information with qualified third parties in order to process your order or perform a credit worthiness check.

Principle 6 . Access to Personal Information Stored at Lefatech Inc
Customers have access to personal information about them that Lefatech Inc holds in the Lefatech Inc database. Through the web-based administrative console located at http://www.lefatech.com/useradmin/, customers can correct this information where it is inaccurate. This is the only place that a customer must change their information to ensure full functionality of the Lefatech Inc services.

Lefatech Inc may store information about customers in other databases for secondary purposes such as marketing. For more information about changing the information in these databases please contact us using the Feedback page.

Principle 7 - Opting Out
Individuals may opt-out of receiving future marketing e-mailings from Lefatech Inc. To remove your name from our e-mail list, please go to http://www.lefatech.com/useradmin/ and disable the "Send me your Newsletter" check box.

Because they are necessary to adequately provide our services, customers cannot opt-out of receiving administrative communications related to their accounts. Such e-mail may include confirmation of a registration or purchase or communication during the sales or support process.

Principle 8 . Changes to Our Privacy Policy
If Lefatech Inc makes any material changes to the way we use your personally identifiable information, we will notify you by e-mail.

Principle 9 - For More Information
If you have any questions or comments about this policy, our products and services, or your experience with Lefatech Inc, you can use the Feedback page on our site, or write to us at:

Lefatech International Inc
Attn: Lefatech Technical Support
113 Barksdale Professional Center
DE 19711 USA
Email: Feedback page

Copyright © 1999-2004 Lefatech International Inc.
All rights reserved. Read Privacy Policy and Return & Refund Policy.